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المدربون والإدارة

إن اتحاد الإمارات العربية المتحدة للنت بول عبارة عن منظمة تطوعية تضم العديد من اللاعبين الذين يعتمدون على التمويل الذاتي والمدربين الذين يقدمون وقتهم وخبرتهم لمواصلة تنمية وتطوير رياضة النت بول في الإمارات العربية المتحدة.


Coaching Team

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رئيس بالنيابة

عبد الرحيم الهاشمي

Deb is encouraging and nurturing new talent in the UAE to develop the coaching team. She currently heads up U17 and the Open coaching teams having coached both age groups since their inception in 2016. She has set high standards for the UAE and has been integral to the creation of the UAE Netball Federation.

الأمين العام

الدكتورة مريم القطيط

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Emily brings a strong player centred approach and prioritises  the wellbeing of the athletes training under her.

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غانم الفلاسي

نائب الرئيس

Sophie brings her extensive international playing experience to the coaching bench for the U21 side.

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Suzie will make her debut under Deb this season and is new to the UAE coaching team but has extensive school and club coaching experience.

إيمان السويدي

التسويق والاستثمار

Management Team

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نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة مستشار

تمارا ايليت

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سارة الحمادي

عضو مبتدئ


U17 & U21 Team Manager

Cat Jeffreys

Susanne has played a key role in the creation of UAE Netball and now works on strategic development with the Board and Regional Governing Body Europe Netball and World Netball. Having worked as team manager across both squads she now mentors new managers and is growing a team to take over tour and event management.

Penny is our resident netball geek and avidly follows netball around the globe. She is super organised and calm under pressure and excels in the role of Open Team Manager.

Cat is a highly competent manager and peoples person. She is now soley responsible for managing the players and coaches at the U17 and U21 level.

Physio Team

Jac Eley

Head Physio & Primary Carer

Jac Eley

Jac has lent her skills to the team since 2018. She leads on all player physio needs and is nurturing a team of therapists to assist the growing needs of UAE Netball.

Lauren Belk


Lauren Belk

UK based Lauren has worked alongside Jac at competitions to assist the physio needs of the team.



Bryony Richards

Bryony works out of the UK but works alongside Jac to offer her services to the team during competitions.

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